Media Trips Deliver Audience of One Billion

Last year was a bumper year for international media coming to Ireland. Over 1,000 representatives from print, broadcast and online channels across the world descended on our shores during the year, providing Irish tourism with an overall reach to over one billion readers and viewers worldwide. The advertising value of this reach is estimated at over 287m. Fáilte Ireland, together with Tourism Ireland, co-ordinated over 400 itineraries resulting in the media representatives meeting with over 4,000 Irish businesses across the country. The Wild Atlantic Way, Ireland’s Ancient East and Dublin were heavily profiled, and there was a strong emphasis on both business and food tourism. One of the key highlights of the year included a group of high profile international journalists who landed in Skellig Michael to follow in Luke Skywalker’s footsteps and see for themselves how the force was awakened. Another highlight involved a group of European media (with a circulation of almost six million) visiting Lisdoonvarna for the Outing Festival and to document the Irish LGBT tourism experience.